Trinity Sculpture of Elephanta Caves

T,wednesday,abc,wordless,,praveen,pravs,elephanta caves, mumbai, Trinity, sculpture,statue,terrific,maharashtra,bangalore,throo da looking glass

 always watching
they smile
at mans’ antics

Taken at Elephanta Caves a ferry ride away from The Gateway of India, Mumbai, the age of this sculpture and its origin is yet to be found according to the guides we met at the caves. This photo represents the Holy Trinity of Hinduism – Brahma (Creator) , Vishnu (Preserver) and Shiva (Destroyer).

Linked to ABC Wednesday (T). For other memes click here

About The Author

Pravin Menon aka PhenoMenon is a corporate junkie by day and a food experiencer when he is not working (which he usually is most of the time). He is into adventure sports, food experimentations and when he is not carrying out explosions in the kitchen, he usually is eating (or drinking!) Contact him at

25 thoughts on “Trinity Sculpture of Elephanta Caves

  1. Can you believe I was in Mumbai, staying at Colaba and did not visit Elephanta? I blame the heat! By the way, your comment on my WP blog was stuck in spam. Retrieved it. Thanks for visiting 🙂

  2. that is a beautiful pic and what lovely words to follow .. oh yes i bet they are smiling at what people do especially the tourists who deface and write stuff all around

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