Fragile Sphere

enjoy life for all it is; a fragile sphere My better half had bought this bubble  maker as a gift to our nephews. Unfortunately it fell into my hands. Oh they did get to enjoy it… finally.  Before that I … Continue reading “Fragile Sphere”

Pyramid Valley for Peace and Solitude

midst the chaos I hear the call of the mystical pyramid Pyramid Valley, located on Kanakapura road in Bangalore, Karnataka is one such place where people come to meditate and to de-stress from their chaotic life. It’s a very pleasant experience … Continue reading “Pyramid Valley for Peace and Solitude”

Oh My God – View from Skydiving

seen from the top man and his accomplishments insignificant Yep that’s the view when I sky dived from 10000 ft. Neat eh !!  It sure is a humbling experience to know the materialistic things we hold dear are insignificant when … Continue reading “Oh My God – View from Skydiving”

Divinity and Fanaticism

belief in a higher power divinity and fanaticism lines blurred Yeah its good to have faith  and to believe in some power that is making this world go round but how far can it be taken?. As Buddha once answered when … Continue reading “Divinity and Fanaticism”


awaiting the future the present slips away perfume of fresh roses, forgotten You must have guessed my question by now.. Why is it that people spend their lives thinking about a dark future and forget to enjoy the present? My … Continue reading “Present”