Nourishing the earth
The old guardians topple
Man, the only threat
ABC Wedneday with O for Outrageous Nature of Man,Wordless Wednesday, Wordless Wednesday Bloggers, Blog She. Part of the #atozchallenge with T. Also linked to Our world Tuesday, . Haiku composed with Syllable Couter
Man, the only threat 🙂 – So true! – Awesome picture and Haiku!
Nice haiku. A very important message!
And yesterday was Earth day ! i am amazed at the way you think up Haikus !
How many Haikus do you have stacked hidden? Wonderful use of picture and words.
So true…there is no limit for man’s wants.
You have nailed it in so few words.
That is the absolute truth. I hope many will see this post.
biggest threat to green environment is Man !
good one
So true. Trees survive for millions of years, and then idiot Man fells them down.
That is so painful, yet so true. Coming to think of it, our ancestors’ thoughts must have been scientifically inclined when they used to practice the rituals of worshiping trees.
Such true words. And lovely light on the tree in this photo.
Absolute truth. It is time we wake up and take corrective actions.
We are indeed a powerful force on this planet we need to make sure we use that wisely
Hear hear 🙁
So true that the only real threat to nature is man.
The ultimate truth.
Perfect picture to get the message across!
Beautiful, just loved the picture, very powerful communication, thanks for sharing !
Picture perfect composition !
Great post. Beautiful. They also nourish our air, replenishing the oxygen. And, of course they nourish our souls, hearts, art. Just beautiful.
I really do dislike seeing the beautiful trees being toppled.
Great post.
Happy Wordless.
Thanks for link up at my blog.
Have a nice day.
Perfect choice for O-day and a good example of ‘Outrageousness’
My O – Open School
Looks a venerable old tree in the light against dark. I hate to see trees chopped down, your haiku says it all.
Great picture and message.
There is truly something sad about watching old trees go. They are such noble beings of nature.
man is the real predator on this planet.
wonder what tree is this? a sacred fig? Seems people tied threads around it for religious reasons…
Love the atmosphere of the pictures and your haiku is so true I love trees In the botanical gardens you have the most gorgeous old trees here and it is very peaceful there. We can’t live without trees and should respect them
loved the light on the tree.
All very true and sad, but the other side of the story that is outstanding and overjoy-ing is the way the old trees send out new growth and some just can’t be kept down. They just grow and regrow. LIFE-force awesome.
What a gorgeous macro.
Over and over again, I am always late commenting, but, trying to catch up.
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team.
Perfect lines to suit a perfect pic!