The body of St. Francis Xavier, kept in the Basilica of Bom Jesus, Goa and is displayed to the public Once every 10 years. The last public display was in 2004.
Linked to ABC Wednesday(X for Longhorns?), Wordless Wednesday
Different Tastes of Life – Food, Travel & Experiences
The body of St. Francis Xavier, kept in the Basilica of Bom Jesus, Goa and is displayed to the public Once every 10 years. The last public display was in 2004.
Linked to ABC Wednesday(X for Longhorns?), Wordless Wednesday
Oh, yes, and there are Xavier colleges; ah, an idea.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
That is a most excellent and meaningful way to use the letter X. Very intrieging picture.
Please come and find out what the Letter X is at my page. Have a lovely day.
Wow so nice .