Healthy cookies and snack bars from Unibic

Phenomenal World reviews the healthy cookies and snack bars from Unibic. Come on in and find out how they were and whats special about them.

Re-Using the knife-6 ways to use the blunt & flat edge

Using the chef knife and maintaining it needs effort and skill. Did you know that the blunt edge & flat edge have their own uses? Here are 6 ways to use the blunt edge. Read on and add to the list of you know how !!

Every Drop is a source of life – Save Water

single drop defining a world between life and death Water wastage is a very big issue and what we take irrelevant wastage or insignificant can turn out to be a major source of issues going forward. Save water. Every drop … Continue reading “Every Drop is a source of life – Save Water”

Single Malt Nights – Glenfiddich

Phenomenal World was part of the Cocktail Reimagined with Glenfiddich nights at Olive Beach. Glenfiddich was always associated with quality and class and there was no way I could have missed this event.  What was tasted? There is also some good news as you read along. 

Cashless Cancer Treatment for the Underprivileged

No one is new to cancer. One of those dreaded diseaes that takes life in its own way often in a haze of pain and misery.  Cancer is curable but that really depends on when it is detected.   Also the … Continue reading “Cashless Cancer Treatment for the Underprivileged”