Political intrigue is back – House of Cards on Zcafe – Phenomenal World

One of the best series on political intrigue. Frank and Claire stir and stoke terror for their political mileage and to avoid an impending investigation.

Kindle the Reading Habit – All about Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited – Phenomenal World

Why to use a kindle? Is it better than books? Phenomenal World tries to answer the eternal fight between a book and an e-reader and why to use a kindle

Unlock the Grey Cells and Have Fun – The Mystery Room

I was invited for a different kind of experience. It was to try out the fun live gaming experience  at the Mystery Room.  These games are meant to be played as a group. So off we went, the five of … Continue reading “Unlock the Grey Cells and Have Fun – The Mystery Room”

Masterclass – OPOS 15 Minute Mutton Chukka – Healthy Cooking

Mutton Chukka in 15 mins. Interested? Come on in !!

The Exceptional Taste of Rajasthan- Food Festival in Marriotts Whitefield

Rajasthan Food Festival at Marriotts – An Experience