Every situation in life is like an Ember that keeps your fire burning…
Linked to ABC Wednesday, Wordless wednesday
Different Tastes of Life – Food, Travel & Experiences
Every situation in life is like an Ember that keeps your fire burning…
Linked to ABC Wednesday, Wordless wednesday
This is amazingly lovely.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Nice Ember quote today.
Much too soon to be thinking about winter fires!!
Jane x
Short & sweet.
Nicely done!
Evening Wind
Epcot’s Spaceship Earth, please come and see.
First thing that came to my mind after looking at the photo was the images of people who do the fire-walking. 😛
This is so appropriate when here in the Nesbitt household hubby is experimenting with a new multi-fuel stove. Yes he needs to keep the ambers burning – enough to keep us warm, cook the meals and heat the water! lol! Great stuff, thanks again.
ABC Team
awesome entry!
Dangerous stuff! Too hot! 🙂
Very wise indeed !
ABC Team
Sometimes I definitely need a fire lit under me.
Interesting thoughts for the letter E.
i agree. nice thoughts