My better half mentioned to me when we were in Chennai that Go Go Ramen seemed to be trending in the food circle grapewine. Well since it is a Japanese cuisine it clinched my decision. The place itself is quite small. It’s more of a deli kind of experience than a restaurant. If you are looking for a lounge kind of place for conversations, this is certainly not the place.
My review style has changed drastically what with my kid being in it 🙂  I went with my family and ordered their specialty which is Ramen. Ramen is basically a noodle soup with your choice of addditonal ingredients veg or non veg. We started with Barley and Oolong iced tea. I would have liked to say the taste of the tea was subte but in reality I didn’t really get any taste. Maybe a slight hint and the color which told me I was drinking tea. Barley tea on the other hand had a light color but a good flavor.

With food we started with steamed pork buns which was indeed very good. It had a tangy and sweet flavor which I kind of liked for a change.

The next order was the Go Go Ramen which is Pork soup with noodles. ah now this did justify being the name of the restaurant as well. It was exquisite. With some good chunks of pork and nori (japanese sea weed) and a good hit of their wasabi (horse radish sauce, to be ordered separately) it was just right on the palate

My parents ordered a spicy chicken ramen but it was no way close to its pork brethren. Stick to everything pork when you go there, it’s what they are good at. Their Ramens are priced around 500 + which I thought was a bit extravagent and could have been priced lower.
Linked to ABC Wednesday(N) with Nom Nom Nom
This place sounds amazing, I must admit I don’t think I have ever tried steamed buns but noodles are always my first choice.
I love ramen and pork buns, well I’ve eaten them since I was a young one so I’m partial.
Worth a Thousand Words
I love Oolong tea and those Steamed Pork Buns look amazing and I am sure they tasted amazing too R
very interesting and tasty place to visit. Love food that is comforting and filling
come see us at
Yes, Nom, Nom, Nom. You are making me hungry.
it is possible i’ve never had ramen noodles!
I love noodles!!!! I love Ramen and I wish we have something like this in here! The food looks lush!
Wow ! The Nom Noms look amazing, I love Noodles and soup too.
My mouth is watering at the pictures, thank you for sharing with us.
Best wishes,
ABCW team.
Thanks for the lovely meal! It looks delicious.
Wil, ABCW Team
Having not eaten jet… your entry makes water run around my teeth 😉
Have a nice abc-day / -week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)