Flying in the breeze
Twisting and swaying with life
Strings attached yet free
Part of the #atozchallenge with K for Kite. Also head to SWF for skywatch. Haiku composed using Syllable Counter
Different Tastes of Life – Food, Travel & Experiences
Flying in the breeze
Twisting and swaying with life
Strings attached yet free
Part of the #atozchallenge with K for Kite. Also head to SWF for skywatch. Haiku composed using Syllable Counter
Very beautiful photo for SWF!Thank you for sharing and have a nice weekend!
This is beautiful – the words enhance the image and vice versa.
Great haiku, And so wonderfully complementary to the photo! Nice to meet you Pheno Menon!
strings attached yet free – I love the last line ! Welcome to the A to Z challenge 😛
Love the haiku. ‘Strings attached yet free’ Good one, that.
Stunning Haiku with a perfect picture 🙂
A lovely shot.
Perfect Haiku . Some thing which can tug u at the belly and make u feel the same 🙂
A nice cocktail of words and view!
Nice haiku. Perfectly describes the kite. I could see that kite dance.
Great capture. Happy sky watching.
My sky.
Interesting composition. Different. Caught my eye.
JM Illinois
wow!! Lovely! Welcome to our group!
Lovely haiku, so perfect for the picture/
Nice Haiku… there is nothing better than freedom
Wow.. A picture speaks for itself, but your Haiku speaks more than the pic can convey… loved it 🙂
Strings attached yet free… so profound!