We come to the finale of the #BarAThon and it was good fun twisting simple themes into foodie concepts. I am more of a 1-2 posts a week kind of guy and this saw me completing it seven days in a row!! Am I impressed or what!!
Day#7 is Promises and I have seen many promises being made and broken and consider it just fashionable steam coming off people’s mouth. Yes this is twisted around food too 😀

I don’t make many promises and especially those I can’t or dont intend to keep. So that my promise to myself and to everyone around me is I will be as genuine as possible (maybe to the extent of hurting by being brutally right but that’s me. Happy Friendship Day by the way 😀
The previous posts below. I hope you like my new template as well as my posts for this #barathon….
Day#1 Stranger than fiction
Day#2 What you don’t know
Day#3 Fragile lives
Day#4 Caught red-handed
Day#5 Tiny Shoes
Day#6 Wishful Thinking
Ah so you made to the end of the challenge. That’s creditable considering yours is a food blog. And that’s a good promise to make – to be brutally honest.