Day 279 – The Master Camouflager

Taken in Snake Park, Chennai Linked to Camera Critters, SOOC  

Day 272 – Pee – Ka – Booo

Taken in the Chennai Snake park, this guy was literally playing hide n seek disappearing and reappearing in the water. Got this at the right time when he was taking a peek ! Linked to Camera Critters, SOOC, BPOTW  

Day 265 – The king of fishers

A little play with exposure and curves with the king… Taken in Yelagiri Linked to Camera Critters, SOOC

Day 258 – House Construction

Building it twig by twig Linked to SOOC, Camera Critters

Day 251 – Nature’s Beings

Got this on a wall in front of my house. This looked like it had a wooden body. Could not resist taking a snap of this…. Camera Critters, SOOC