Day 5 – Nature – Stag in Bandipur Forest

Standing in the grass With a magnificent crown The lord of his herd Taken in Bandipur Forest. Day 5 of The Write Tribe Festival of Words 1st – 7th September 2013.  For more memes  head to this page.

Religion & Spirituality

Lead Thy way Lord guide us through our errors everyday A shining star in life’s dark way When will we all realize our error And stop bringing about chaos and terror Why do men fight for power Dont they realize … Continue reading “Religion & Spirituality”

Infant Jesus – Day 329

Infant Jesus Church, Vivek Nagar Bangalore.  Linked to SOOC, Scenic Sunday

Day 163 – The Towering Lord

The giant statue of Lord Shiva in Murdeshwar, Karnataka…. Linked to TMW