Bright Monday – Day 330

Happy Monday all… Linked to Macro Monday, MYM

Bokeh – Day 314

Tried a bokeh with this weed on focus… By the way this weed is supposed to kill everything around it by generating high amount of heat and sapping their moisture..  Hmm interesting but other plants & trees beware.  Still trying … Continue reading “Bokeh – Day 314”

Star Crossed – Day 309

Twinkle little star Yellow to brighten your day A great day, always For more snaps click MYM and Macro Monday

Journey to the Center of the Flower – Day 302

Flowers in full bloom Spring arrives in its glory Life begins, anew Linked to MYM, Macro Monday

Day 290 – Xtreme Makeup

A Kathakali exponent applying makeup before the commencement of the performance. Kathakali  is the traditional dance of Kerala where each of the performers depict the  characters from Indian epics and mythology. Their costumes are Xtremely colorful with very intricate makeup … Continue reading “Day 290 – Xtreme Makeup”