Day 140 – Drop

Taken in Lalbagh during an unexpected but welcome shower Linked to Scenic Sunday, SOOC, Macro Monday

Day 139 – The Green Lantern

This green thing came jumping into my house. They are so photogenic I just couldn’t resist clicking its photo and the best part it complied. Introducing……….. the Green Lantern !! Linked to Camera_Critters, SOOC, Macro Friday, BPOTW

Day 134 – Waterdrops

A few drops of water Can make any flower sing Taken in Lalbagh, Bangalore during an unexpected shower.  Happy Monday Folks !!If u like it the like button is just below Linked to MYM, Macro Monday, Monday Photo Shoot

Day 125 – Eyes Eyes Baby

This unexpected guest came into our bedroom on an unannounced visit(we have a family of pigeons flying riot in the balcony) If u like it show it by clicking on the like button below Linked to Camera Critters, SOOC