A Moments Rest

A moments rest For the restless being To keep fluttering again Life maybe a constant run but then one needs to stop and appreciate all of it by really knowing the moments.Nothing is as truly alive as a butterfly fluttering … Continue reading “A Moments Rest”

Light & Dark

 Light among  the dark However good it maybe Darkness is good too For more memes click here


Ordinary things Beautiful in perspective Recognize true art Even thorns can be beautiful. Macro of a cactus taken in Ooty botanical garden Part of ABC Wednesday (I) for  Incredible Nature. For link and more memes head to this page.    

Day 6 – Nature – The Lone Tusker

 Lonely and hungry Roaming the gigantic woods The giant walks free We were very close to this guy and if he had chosen to chase us that would have been a different story altogether. I have heard lone tuskers are … Continue reading “Day 6 – Nature – The Lone Tusker”

Day 5 – Nature – Stag in Bandipur Forest

Standing in the grass With a magnificent crown The lord of his herd Taken in Bandipur Forest. Day 5 of The Write Tribe Festival of Words 1st – 7th September 2013.  For more memes  head to this page.