Divinity and Fanaticism

belief in a higher power divinity and fanaticism lines blurred Yeah its good to have faith  and to believe in some power that is making this world go round but how far can it be taken?. As Buddha once answered when … Continue reading “Divinity and Fanaticism”

Nothing simple about this………..

circle of life no beginning or end it goes on This is a smoke ring I created. Tips I follow 1. Life is a circle, what you give is what you get 2. Dont get mad at your enemies, just … Continue reading “Nothing simple about this………..”


awaiting the future the present slips away perfume of fresh roses, forgotten You must have guessed my question by now.. Why is it that people spend their lives thinking about a dark future and forget to enjoy the present? My … Continue reading “Present”

Masterclass – Butter Garlic prawns with Bhut Jolokia Sauce

Prawns in Bhut Jolokia sauce

I recently got a batch of Bhut Jalokia (Ghost peppers) from Manipur thanks to a friend. With a Scoville  Scale close to 1.5 million, it ranks third among the hottest peppers in the world according to the Guiness  Records.  I … Continue reading “Masterclass – Butter Garlic prawns with Bhut Jolokia Sauce”

My Best Friend

Thank you god for all you have done For giving me a friend, the best under the sun He guides me in whatever I do Always with me filling my life with hue He makes me laugh and makes me … Continue reading “My Best Friend”