Day 227 – Outstanding Amethyst

This is the magical amethyst. For more information on its properties click here Taken in Sri Lanka famous for its precious and semi-precious gems Linked to ABC Wednesday (O) and Wordless Wednesday

Day 219 – Falling

Taken in Sri Lanka, this is called the Ravan falls. Apparently Ram and Ravan fought over these very falls and Ravan jumped all the way down during the fight. Now thats a strong man… Linked to Our World, Watery wednesday

Day 201 – Suryanamaskar

Welcoming a new day Linked to SWF, Midweek Blues

Day 192 – Jumbo

Have always been fond of elephants (never to keep it as a pet though!!) and never miss the chance to go near the temple elephants.  Too bad they have to be chained always…   Linked to ABC Wednesday, Wordless Wednesday

Day 187 – Omega

Sunrise taken in Nelaveli Beach early in the morning…. Linked to SWF, BPOTW