Natural Predators

Tiger tiger burning bright Also checkout ABC Wednesday, Wordless Wednesday

Meet the Mantis

This is Mantis, Preying Mantis ;). An old post of his can be found here

Innocence – Day 367

Child and innocence Always taken for granted Everyone grows up Click for more entries in ABC Wednesday (I is for—-Inlinkz), Wordless Wednesday

Hat & Shade – Day 360

You must seen my tattered cousin the Sorting Hat of Hogwarts…Me.. I am the the posh one!! Click for more entries on ABC Wednesday & Wordless Wednesday

Grind – Day 353

Dont be afraid of the grind life puts you through, it just hones you to be better… Oh by the way those are the new entries to my collection of knives.. For more entries click ABC Wednesday (G), Wordless Wednesday