Well yeah that is how I would rate this book. Oops was I too early in favouring the book. U bet!!!Matthew Reilly seems like a person who loves to shift his readers slowly onto the edge of their seat and make them land on their rear with sudden revelations that are spread throughout this book.From the moment anyone starts reading the Seven Ancient Wonders, they are literally hooked to the fast pace and thrills that this book offers you.
The book is an adventure that encompases the seven ancient wonders some of them existing only in memories. The adventure actually starts in the descending order of the ancient wonders starting from the last to the first. Thats what makes the plot even more interesting and gripping. Reilly has taken a figment of truth and created a stupendous fiction. This book brings out a new Hero Jack West Junior, that I would say is the best yet created by Reilly.
If you thought the Da Vinci Code was good, wait till you read this!!!The PLOT:- Sorry……If you were expecting to get the plot before reading the book, trust me you will regret it not for the books sake but your own :-)Another two I have collected are Contest and Ice Station. Am yet to read the others but then there’s MS!!! Happy reading folks and Bon Voyage into the ancient wonders and secrets.