A Kathakali exponent applying makeup before the commencement of the performance. Kathakali is the traditional dance of Kerala where each of the performers depict the characters from Indian epics and mythology. Their costumes are Xtremely colorful with very intricate makeup and getups. Natural paints and extracts are used on the face and most of the complicated designs are applied by the performers themselves. In most cases the male and the female characters are always performed by men !!
This performance can be seen in Fort Kochi in the Kathakali Centre behind Santa Cruz church… All my fellow ABC Wednesday bloggers, hope you had a lovely X-Mas and have a lovely New Year ahead !!
Linked to ABC Wednesday and Wordless Wednesday
Xtreme indeed, though not necessarily appealing.
Great intro!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Striking. I read the Wikipedia article and now I’m off to Youtube for some videos of performances, fascinating stuff.
Happy New Year to you too Pheno – I wonder if the men wearing make up is unappealing to both men and women or either men or women? It is certainly Xtreme – we know so little about the diverse cultures out there – ABC Wednesday certainly gives us a glimpse don’t you think?
Thanks so much
Denise ABC Team
It may be unappealing now but once the costume is complete it will take ur breath away…
True, once in full costume and full performance, it takes one’s breadth away 🙂
Yes its certainly interesting to know about different cultures
Fascinating and definitely extreme. Thanks for sharing another culture with us and have a Happy New Year too.
This is an Xcellent photo!
Thns Kathy and keep visiting
Wow! That is some makeup process! Hope you had a wonderful Xmas.
I sure did. Much more than I expected
I have a friend who is a famous dancer. It was before I started blogging.
Xtremely heavy!
X-mas or Christmas, which one do you approve of? May you have a prosperous new year!
Great post! So very interesting!
Extreme it is but also haunting
The performance is much more haunting and memorable
Nice one…
yes, that is extreme
ornamented joshua