Taken during a puja session at home called Bhagavathy Seva (“C“lick on the word to find out abt this), the pujari (priest) made this wonderful and “C“olorful rangoli on the floor using only “C“olored powders and of all things… a tea strainer to spread the “Colors” !! Never imagined such a use for a tea strainer….. 😮
This quite “C“hanges my perspective of the humble strainer. Happy Wednesday everyone and may you have a “C“heerful week !!
Linked to Wordless Wednesday, ABC Wednesday(C is almost a Circle)
Fantastic – what a wonderful event. I love the way we learn so much about our individual lives on ABC Wednesday.
Thanks so much
Denise ABC Team
Would love to see the entire rangoli 🙂
Very cool! I wish you a cheerful week too. 🙂
Very interesting. Necessity is definitely the mother of invention.
Wonderfully creative “C” post!
Looks nice. 🙂
I just clicked on translate in Hindi flag and it translates your blog description as : मैं आया मैंने देखा और मुझे गोली मार दी
Fantastic capture.
I have seen a similar practice like that in the Phils before.
I didn’t know they use tea strainer for making the rangoli! Here, people don’t do this in their homes anymore but I do see occasionally in malls or event halls when they have some kind of festivals especially when nearer to Deepavali,
Actually that’s a very good idea; using a tea strainer. He could have used a funner but the final result may not be as good.
Very COOL color scheme!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Nice colours! 🙂
Very ingenious! Clever entry lor the letter “C”.
One of the best ABC photos I’ve seen. Congratulations!
Beautiful photo. I like the faux DoF!