Chocolate Truffle – Rich & Dark

Rich dark chocolate Ultimate food for the gods Go ahead and drool !! 😉  What you see is one from a box of rich dark chocolate Belgium truffles. 🙂 For ABC Wednesday(C) and other memes click here

Cat – The Feline Look

The eyes of a killer Missing nothing around Loving yet lethal Clicked this at the Bylakuppe Buddhist Golden Temple, Karnataka. Part of A-Z Challenge with C  

Conquering Fear

  Keep rising always Learning to conquer your fear Dont forget, look down too For more entries visit ABC Wednesday (C), Wordless Wednesday

Craters – Day 325

The charming moon attracts Looks deceiving your senses Beckons the dark within Linked to Wordless Wednesday, ABC Wednesday

Day 143 – Colors

Taken during a puja session at home called Bhagavathy Seva (“C“lick on the word to find out abt this), the pujari (priest) made this wonderful and “C“olorful rangoli on the floor using only “C“olored powders and of all things… a tea … Continue reading “Day 143 – Colors”