Day 157 – Embers

Every situation in life is like an Ember that keeps your fire burning… Linked to ABC Wednesday, Wordless wednesday

Day 143 – Colors

Taken during a puja session at home called Bhagavathy Seva (“C“lick on the word to find out abt this), the pujari (priest) made this wonderful and “C“olorful rangoli on the floor using only “C“olored powders and of all things… a tea … Continue reading “Day 143 – Colors”

Day 136 – Bullseye

Dont focus on ur target so much that you ignore the beauty around you. Linked to ABC Wednesday (B is for Brothers and Sisters), Wordless Wednesday,

Day 129 – Angle

I like the Angle this photo came up. The canopy around the tree gives an almost perfect circle. If you like it. The like button is just below 🙂 Linked to ABC Wednesday, Wordless Wednesday